Contact Us

Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A voice mail system allows for messages to be left after hours.


The Prairie Development Corporation

Phone: (719) 348-5562 or 1-800-825-0208
Fax: (719) 348-5887
128 Colorado Ave., Box 202
Stratton, CO 80836

To receive more information on Colorado's Central Plains, please email the appropriate department.

  • Business - PDC currently offers six different loan programs, each designed to meet different financing needs of the borrower. PDC also provides loan packaging at no cost to the borrower. Certain tax incentives are available through the Colorado Enterprise Zone. Contact us through this e-mail address for details:
  • Housing - PDC provides down-payment assistance loans and owner occupied housing assistance loans for income eligible households. Contact us through this e-mail address for details:
  • Tourism & Recreation - PDC can mail you an Our Journey tourism packet including culture, heritage and attractions information, or a full color information packet including the following four rack cards (Highway 86, Limon Heritage Museum, Old Town and the Kit Carson County Carousel).  Contact us through this e-mail address for details:

The information on this web-site was provided by the Prairie Development Corporation (PDC), a Colorado non-profit economic development group organized to promote and serve communities and businesses in Cheyenne, Elbert, Lincoln and Kit Carson Counties. PDC works to diversify the economic base of Colorado's Central Plains through a number of programs and services.