Prairie Living Enhanced by Enterprise Zone Tax Credits
Businesses love to call Colorado's Central Plains home. Our counties offer almost unlimited land, prime employee demographics and very strategic locations. Denver and Colorado Springs are less than an hour's drive from parts of our region. We're also the state's second-highest entry and exit point for motor traffic, with proximity to major railways, the Front Range, the Colorado Springs Airport and Denver International Airport. Given the traffic and revenues passing through our region daily, it's clear that Colorado's Central Plains hold incredible economic opportunities.
In addition to an abundance of housing opportunities and promotion, Colorado offers an enterprise zone program that provides state income tax credits, for investment, job creation, research and development, and other incentives for private enterprise to expand in a state enterprise zone area. All of Cheyenne, Kit Carson and Lincoln counties, and most of Elbert County, lie within the East Central Enterprise Zone. Detailed information about these credits and incentives may be found here.